Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Inspire. Inspiring. Inspiration.

My biggest source of cooking and baking inspiration
Where do you go to find inspiration? Who inspires you to be a better person? When have you inspired someone else? And what was your most memorable moment of the last 12 months?
Believe it or not, these were the questions that I was confronted with as a 21 year old while applying for a graduate position at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Questions which I have never had the chance to think about or even thought I had any perspectives on.
So where do 21 year olds get their inspirations from? The bar? The dance floor? Fashion magazines? Shows like the Hills or Jersey shore?
I am (very obviously) not 21 anymore. My metabolism, waist line and tolerance of loud music are all evidence of this fact. Not merely the birth date on my driver’s license.
As a 21 year old, I said I was a team leader in a volunteer role and inspired the juniors I was leading, to volunteer the next year. My most memorable moment was giving up a seat on the bus to an old lady, who was extremely surprised and grateful of my initiation, stating that the youth of today tend not to have these manners anymore, and that I was very special. This surprised me in return.
If I was to answer the same questions now, what would my answers be? And how would they differ from all those years ago?
Many of my friends have said that my blog has inspired them to start baking also. I am so happy to hear this, it makes me so proud. This venture was purely an outlet for my passion and obsession. Yet it has served not just me, but others too. This is more than I have hoped for.
With age and experience, the biggest difference is how I have broadened my sources of inspiration. From the fresh flowers I keep at home, which I buy religiously every week; to a simple chat with a good friend (or sometimes even a stranger); to reading Jane Austen, Henry James, Hemingway, Voltaire, Foucault etc.
I know what you are thinking now. And no. I do not spend my days pondering the meaning of life. No, that would drive me crazy. I am afterall still in my 20s and enjoy moments of irresponsibility; hours of trashy, mindless TV; and outrageous nail polish colours.
I just believe that it is important to inspire and feel inspired once in a while.

If you've ever wondered what I have on my dressing table, here it is. Including the collar that my cat refuses to wear...

In a few days time, I will be going to a different kind of place to find inspiration. Am I scared? Yes. Am I excited? Yes. Do I have great expectations? Yes. Do I have faith in myself to make the best of it? Of course I do.
I’m going to Cambodia. This will not merely be a holiday. It is more. I’m going for a month of volunteer work on the outskirts of Siem Reap. It’s my chance to bring out a part of myself I don’t see very often... the audacity to go a whole month without makeup. Instead it'll be layer upon layer of moisturiser, sunscreen, insect repellent (both cream and spray) and tiger balm.
And the most daunting thought on my mind right now? Withdrawal symptoms from not baking or cooking for a month.

Coffee Cake Muffins with Crumble topping

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